Permission denied, please try again on AIX7 WPAR
Created a new WPAR like this:
mkwpar -A -s -l -n aix7-a
chfs -a size=5G /wpars/aix7-a/home
chfs -a size=20G /wpars/aix7-a/opt
chfs -a size=5G /wpars/aix7-a/tmp
chwpar -N address= netmask= interface=en0 aix7-a
Tried to login after the WPAR was booted using SSH
bash-4.2# ssh
root@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
root@'s password:
This happens because the newly created WPAR's root doesn't have a password or maybe it just resets it.
Here's what you do
clogin aix7-a
bash-4.2# passwd root
Changing password for "root"
root's New password:
Enter the new password again:
mkwpar -A -s -l -n aix7-a
chfs -a size=5G /wpars/aix7-a/home
chfs -a size=20G /wpars/aix7-a/opt
chfs -a size=5G /wpars/aix7-a/tmp
chwpar -N address= netmask= interface=en0 aix7-a
bash-4.2# ssh
root@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
root@'s password:
This happens because the newly created WPAR's root doesn't have a password or maybe it just resets it.
Here's what you do
clogin aix7-a
bash-4.2# passwd root
Changing password for "root"
root's New password:
Enter the new password again:
Now ssh to the WPAR should work.