Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Maximo console won't open on reboot

I had this typical problem which seems to be a problem with TAMIT 7.2. After you install TAMIT and login to Maximo console http://IP-address:9080/maximo/ui/login, using default user/pass maxadmin/maxadmin - it works.

However, if you reboot the machine and then try logging into the maximo console using the same default user/pass, it won't work. There's no help available on this on the internet.

After a lot of looking and digging around, it appears that the maximo credentials are fetched from Tivoli Directory Server, which gets installed when you install TAMIT . The startup mode for service TDS is manual and doesn't start upon reboot. So, after reboot the service doesn't automatically start. After reboot, if you start the service "IBM Tivoli Directory Server Instance V6.2 - idsccmdb" from services.msc and try logging into the maximo console it works.

Makes sense to change this service from manual to automatic, so that machine reboots won't create problem in future.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Installing OpenCMS on WebSphere 7

OpenCMS isn't officially supported on WebSphere Application Server 7, however I was able to get this going. I did this on RHEL5+WAS7 installation
Here are the steps:

1. Copy the opencms.war file to /root.
2. Open the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console and install the application normally. The context root will be /opencms.
3. Now start the application. It will error out. When you analyse the SystemOut.log file you'll see errors like this:

Caused by: com.ibm.ws.metadata.MetaDataException: CWWJP0040E: The persistence.xml in application opencms, module opencms.war, has a syntax error at line number: 5, column number: 16.
at com.ibm.ws.jpa.management.JPAPxmlInfo.extractPersistenceUnits(JPAPxmlInfo.java:432)
at com.ibm.ws.jpa.management.JPAScopeInfo.processPersistenceUnit(JPAScopeInfo.java:140)
at com.ibm.ws.jpa.management.JPAApplInfo.processModulePUs(JPAApplInfo.java:169)
... 94 more

This can be rectified by editing line number 5 of ./opencms.ear/opencms.war/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml file and changing

4. Try starting the opencms application again and it will start now.
5. Start the setup of opencms usually by http://ip-address:9080/opencms/setup.

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