Problem Steps Recorder in Windows 7.
I found this great utility in Windows 7 called Problem Steps Recorder - What it does is records all the clicks/actions that you perform on various applications/browser and creates chronological screenshots accompanied with steps as a mht file.
Here's the link to a brief introduction:
0) To launch this tool go to Start -> Run (or press Windows + R) -> psr.exe and press OK.
1) This tool is pretty useful for QA & Support staff wanting to record proper steps to configure/install something without having to go through the pain of documenting and screenshot-ing the steps. Particularly useful when end users want to depict their problem to someone.
2) Unfortunately, at the time of writing this blog this tool is available only on Windows 7.
3) In case you're unable to see your steps recorded in the final mht file, it could be because the application you've launched is as administrator. You'll need to locate psr.exe -> RMC on it -> launch it as administrator to record steps at such times.
This is one great tool by Microsoft!
Labels: Problem Steps Recorder, psr.exe, Windows 7